Thursday, October 31, 2019

Creative & Critical Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Creative & Critical - Assignment Example However consistent the effects of that approach to achieving peace is, the fact remains that nobody wants to be involved in a war. No man would willingly become a soldier, ready to kill nameless others who have not done him personal harm but rather harmed his nation or a weaker one that needed protection. While numerous articles and opinion papers in the 21st century have condemned war and its outcomes to the best of the writers abilities, the most scathing condemnation of war was not done during our most recent times. Rather, it was written during the events unfolding within World War I by Wilfred Owen in his sonnet â€Å"Dulce Et Decorum Est†. The gravity of the poem can only be attributed to the fact that Owen wrote the poem while recovering from shell shock or in modern lingo â€Å"Post Traumatic Stress Disorder† more commonly known as PTSD in 1917, having served as a British war soldier. Writing many a war related poems during this time including â€Å"Strange Meeting†, â€Å"Insensibility†, and â€Å"S.I.W.†, this practice was actually one of the methods that he employed in order to help him deal with the trauma of the war and its lifelong effects upon him (Williamson, Andrew â€Å"Dulce Et Decorum Est†). It is from this highly graphic recall of his involvement in the war that led to the highly creative and almost 3-D like depiction of the war within his writing. While published posthumously in 1920 the sonnet translates into English as â€Å"It is sweet and honorable to die for ones country† (Williamson, Andrew â€Å"Dulce Et Decorum Est†). However, nothing about the lines from the sonnet depict war and the soldier experiences as being such. For example, the first stanza of the sonnet describes: Anybody who reads the above stanza without being told of the era that it was written it would absolutely swear that it was written by a modern day soldier coming home from

Monday, October 28, 2019

Summarise the main development of a child from the age range 0-2 years, 3-5 years and 5-8 years Essay Example for Free

Summarise the main development of a child from the age range 0-2 years, 3-5 years and 5-8 years Essay The first physical stages in a baby happen after they are born. They will start by learning how to hold their head up. Babies have a grasping reflex which enables them to automatically tighten their fingers when an object is placed in the palm of their hands. Around 6 months a baby will be able to roll forward and maybe start to crawl and shuffle their bodies around. Mobility is hugely increased in babies between 9 and 12 months. They will usually be able to sit upright unaided and even show signs of wanting to stand and walk. By the time a child reaches 2 years of age, they should have mastered the art of sitting, standing, crawling and walking. Some children by this age can begin to run, kick a ball and walk up and down stairs (assisted by an adult). 3-5 years By this age children should be able to stand on tiptoes and jump from very low heights. Climbing should make them feel confident and many will be able to ride a tricycle. A child’s mobility progresses to an advanced level meaning they can move about freely without any help or hesitation. Moves such as catching, kicking, throwing and bouncing a ball will have developed and will encourage children to participate in simple ball games. Between the ages of 4-5 years children will be able to use certain playing equipment such as skipping ropes, hoops and even skittles. Children of this age will understand much better the right of personal space and are also able to move around safely. 5-8 years Children by the age of 5 will be more agile. Some will be able to stand on one foot for 10 seconds. A lot of children in this age bracket can touch their toes without bending their knees. Many will be able to ride a bike without any stabilisers. They may also enjoy games such as sliding, climbing frames and swinging. Their stamina should have increased which means activities such as gymnastics, swimming and athletics are a good choice. Other sports such as football, basketball, will allow them to run around without colliding into someone or something. Intellectual Development 0-2 years Babies are born with primitive reflexes which can include a rooting reflex this is when a baby turns his or her head to suckle as a result of stroking his or her cheek. They will be able to recognise certain sounds and voices. Imitation of facial expressions are enjoyable to them and making eye contact with them is comforting. Bright lights can be exciting for babies of this age and they will also enjoy looking at themselves in a mirror. Between 6 and 9 months babies will enjoy playing with toys and imitating simple tasks such as clapping hands or waving goodbye. Babies will enjoy banging objects together, throwing, dropping and shaking toys/objects around. Memory skills will start to develop. By the age of 2 children will have learnt how to use a spoon and drink from a cup. By this age they will typically have a vocabulary of around 50 words. 3-5 years Children of this age will participate in pretend play. They will be able to use crayons and pencils and maybe even the ability to handle round ended scissors appropriately. Motor skills will be developing by now enabling them to put tiny beads into a string. Their memory is getting stronger they should be able to remember past events and look forward to future ones. Between 3-5 years of age learning is becoming more interesting. They will begin to name colours and understand simple counting. Drawings will be more accurate and easier to recognise. 5-8 years At the age of 5, children will be ready to start school and should be able to string simple sentences together. Drawings may contain simple details such as a face with eyes, ears mouth and nose. Some children may also be able to write their own names. Writing and reading is becoming more interesting. Those children who are read to aloud and are encouraged to read aloud tend to develop more quickly intellectually Time phrases such as morning, afternoon, night, yesterday and tomorrow will be more understandable to them. Numeracy level reaches the ability of adding and subtracting by the age of 6-8 years. Language 0-2 years Babies will cry and gurgle or coo. Crying can differ depending on whether a baby is hungry, hurt or wants a cuddle. Babies between 3 and 6 months can begin to chuckle and laugh and can imitate certain sounds. Babbling becomes more constant and by 9 months a baby ought to be able to copy words such as ‘mama’ and ‘dada’. By the age of 2 a child’s vocabulary has increased from coo-ing and making various noises to having a vocabulary of approximately 50 words. 3-5 years By the age of 3 communication is greatly improved resulting in talking all the time and many questions asked. The most common words used are why, who, where, how, when. Their skills by now should include using sentences which use tenses and possibly even plurals. A child in this age bracket may become frustrated with their inability to tell as much as they think or understand. Around the age of 5 years old a child will be able to talk about past, present and future events. They will also be able to learn songs and rhymes. 5-8 years A child’s vocabulary is widening by this age and they will be learning new words. They will be able to describe things such as toys and games and also give opposite meanings. Emotional Development 0-2 years A baby’s primary means of communication is crying. Babies will start smiling especially at familiar faces. They would have built up a bond with their primary carer. They will realise that they have only one mother and that not all females are their mum/carer. Around 6 to 9 months babies can develop feelings of insecurity resulting in tears or distress when mum leaves the room or is out of sight. At around 20 months children will be able to show preferences and are becoming more aware of those people around them they can be affected by another person’s mood. Self-confidence begins to build and they start to believe in themselves. 3-5 years By this age, a child should be able to communicate how they are feeling and discovering the differences between males and females. They will start to get independent enough to carry out little tasks such as dressing themselves, and going to the bathroom by themselves. Children of this age can start to feel anxious, especially as they are unsure of their imagination and inner feelings. This can also lead to overwhelming emotions and fears regarding the unknown. They often do not know the difference between fantasy and reality. By the age of 5 curiosity is at its most advanced and a child will want to try new things which to them are alien. Usually children of this age are able to form successful relationships that may last for a long time. 5-8 years By now children should be able to express their likes and dislikes. As time passes by they are able to have more control over their emotions and their instincts may be greatly developed, for instance if someone appears to be in distress or sad. Children of this age are better at sharing and engage in co-operative play. Arguments now make more sense compared to those of small toddlers. Peer pressure may begin to affect them. Social 0-2 years Babies will enjoy close physical contact especially with their primary carer. They will enjoy being cuddled, feeding and bathing. Babies will enjoy socialising with other babies of their own age. Between 6 and 9 months babies will start to imitate others and hearing laughter will make them laugh even though they will not really be aware of what they are actually laughing at. Around 9 months they can entertain themselves with toys and games and will have learnt to occupy themselves. Some babies by this age will be able to feed themselves with finger foods and drinking from a cup. 3-5 years Children around the age of 3 will enjoy making friends. Learning to take turns in play and sharing can bring on tantrums as they will all want their own way. Children around this age will also learn to dress themselves and will learn to carry out simple requests. By the age of 5 children will be more understanding of social backgrounds, difference skin colour, religion and even cultures. Children of this age will make new friends and form a close relationship with one â€Å"best friend†. 5-8 years Children will be able to carry out more complex tasks such as tidying up their toys, They should be able to dress themselves without the help of a grown up. They will understand the difference between right and wrong and will know how to value a true friend. Some may become stubborn or even bossy.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Good and Evil Angel

Good and Evil Angel The play begins with the Chorus informing the audience about the main character, Faustus, a scholar, like Icarus, [whose] waxen wings did mount above his reach (Prologue, 21). In the very first scene of the play, Faustus talks about philosophy, medicine, law, and theology and is hesitant about all. Lastly he chooses to study magic. He rejects theology. He is glutted more with conceit (Scene I, 18) and he prefers black magic to what he preferred before; he asserts: . . . Divinity, adieu! (Scene I, 48), that is, he rejects to be in heaven and reunite with God. The Good and the Evil Angel that appear in several parts of the play are both real and symbolic; they represent Faustus inner conflict. They appear in the most dramatic scenes where Faustus is in conflict. They appear offering advice as Faustus is preparing to sign in blood a contract so as to give his soul to Lucifer. They also appear at the time Faustus is talking to Mephistopheles about repenting. Here, while Good Angel urges Faustus to repent and wish Gods mercy, Evil Angel tells him not to repent. Finally he agrees with Evil Angel. GOOD ANGEL. O Faustus, lay that damned book aside, And gaze not on it, lest it tempt thy soul, And heap Gods heavy wrath upon thy head: Read, read the Scriptures; that is blasphemy. EVIL ANGEL. Go forward, Faustus, in that famous art, Wherein all natures treasury is contained: Be thou on earth as Jove is in the sky, Lord and commander of these elements. [Exeunt] (Scene I, 70-77) GOOD ANGEL. Sweet Faustus, leave that execrable art. FAUSTUS. Contrition, prayer, repentance: what of them? GOOD ANGEL. O they are means to bring thee unto heaven. EVIL ANGEL. Rather illusions, fruits of lunacy, That makes men foolish that do trust them most. (Scene V, 15-19) The angels do appear at the same time in the play; and they leave together as well. Interestingly enough, it is always the Good Angel that appears first and it is Evil Angel that speaks the last words. If we think of the angels symbolically, the Good Angels appearing first probably refers to Faustus conscience and Evil Angels last words may symbolize Faustus self-temptation. Valdes and Cornelius magicians will teach Faustus black arts. As Faustus is about to sign in blood a contract so as to give his soul to Lucifer, the Good and Evil Angels enter again. As Faustus signs the contract he asks about hell, however convince himself that hells a fable (Scene V, 126) despite Mephistopheles honest response: FAUSTUS. Was not that Lucifer an angel once? MEPHIST. Yes Faustus, and most dearly loved of God. FAUSTUS. How comes it then that he is prince of devils? MEPHIST. O, by aspiring pride and insolence, For which God threw him from the face of heaven. FAUSTUS. And what are you that live with Lucifer? MEPHIST. Unhappy spirits that fell with Lucifer, Conspired against our God with Lucifer, And are for ever damned with Lucifer. FAUSTUS. Where are you damned? MEPHIST. In hell. FAUSTUS. How comes it then that thou art out of hell? MEPHIST. Why this is hell, nor am I out of it. Thinkst thou that I, who saw the face of God, And tasted the eternal joys of heaven, Am not tormented with ten thousand hells In being deprived of everlasting bliss! O Faustus, leave these frivolous demands, Which strike a terror to my fainting soul. (Scene IV, 64-82) There is the question of choice in the play. Faustus has chosen to sign the contract. He is completely free in his choice since Mephistopheles is quite honest in his attitude. Faustus fault here is to ignore repentance as an alternative. He also misunderstands the concept of hell, thinking that it is just physical torment. Faustus is unaware about the fact that hell is a kind of psychological torment which is in fact a part of his tragedy. In the fifth scene, Faustus asks Mephistopheles who made the world (Scene V, 237). Mephistopheles avoids answering Faustus question and introduces seven deadly sins: Pride, Covetousness, Envy, Wrath, Gluttony, Sloth, and Lechery (Scene V, 276). In changing the spectacle to the Seven Deadly Sins, Marlowe has not only opened the way for some moral satire, but he has purposely and ironically presented the pageant as the visible gratification of Faustus. Faustus himself responds with the greatest delight, blasphemously comparing his joy in the procession with Adams joy at the sight of Paradise on the day of his creation. Delight in the Seven Deadly Sins is a far cry from the answer to who made the world, and it is not without point that, after this episode, Faustus makes no more speculative inquiries of any kind. (Cole 1962, 214) As Fermor asserts, the character of Faustus is not that of one man, but of man himself, of Everyman (Fermor 84). In Everyman the tragic flaw pride, wilfulness causes blindness to the nature and destiny of man; . . . hubris destroys the understanding of the nature and limitations of knowledge (Cole 1962, 234). Faustus actions are completely humane. As Cole has suggested, Faustus never causes anyones death (Cole 1995, 124); he causes his own damnation. Dr. Faustus suggests that because human beings are creatures in whom good and evil are tragically intermingled, the process of purification which the magicians described is impossible. The human aspiration to attain a godlike status and to exert benevolent control over history is almost inevitably corrupted by selfish desires for wealth, sensual indulgence, and political power. The refusal to admit this is Faustus fatal error, as is perfectly clear when he reads from Jeromes Bible: If we say that we haue no sinne, / We deceiue our selues (69-70). (Mebane 135) The theme of appearance versus reality is an important one throughout the play. Faustus confuses appearance and reality and wants to go beyond what he sees. By Aristotelian definition, a tragedy is about a hero whose fatal flaw ends himself. Doctor Faustus is a typical Aristotelian tragedy where a man of high importance a scholar out of pride, sells his soul to Devil. The tragic downfall of the hero is when he signs the contract with the devil. There is also catharsis in the Aristotelian sense; the audiences feel pity and fear; pity for Faustus suffering his tragedy, then fear of themselves putting themselves in Faustus place. Faustus can repent before the end of the play but he prefers not to; he misleads himself: FAUSTUS: My hearts so hardned I cannot repent! Scarce can I name salvation, faith, or heaven, But fearful echoes thunders in mine ears, Faustus, thou are damned (Scene V, 192-95) And long ere this I should have slain my self, Had not sweet pleasure conquered deep despair. Have not I made blind Homer sing to me Of Alexanders love, and Oenons death? (Scene V, 195-98). Why should I die then, or basely despair? I am resolved! Faustus shall neer repent. (Scene V, 205- 206) Doctor Faustus represents the attitudes of Renaissance England, it symbolizes the Renaissance individual who wants to go beyond his perception. Marlowe reflects the Renaissance perception of reason that gives human beings the power to discern, as well as the power to choose and finally forms the basis for moral responsibility (Cole 1995, 127). Thus Faustus himself is responsible for his own actions; it is Faustus who causes his own fall. He suffers from personal responsibility of free human choice and the inevitable consequences of his own choice. Primary Source(s) Marlowe, Christopher. Doctor Faustus Norton Anthology of English Literature sixth edition vol. 1. Ed. Abrams, M.H. New York: M.H. Norton Company: 1993. Secondary Sources Cole, Douglas. Christopher Marlowe and the Renaissance of Tragedy. Westport, CT.: 1995. _. Suffering and Evil in the Plays of Christopher Marlowe. Princeton, NJ. Princeton University Press: 1962. Fermor, U.M. Ellis. Christopher Marlowe. London, Methuen: 1927. Mebane, John S. Renaissance Magic and the Return of the Golden Age: The Occult Tradition and Marlowe, Jonson, and Shakespeare. Lincoln, NE., University of Nebraska Press: 1989.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Appearance vs. Reality in Henry IV :: Henry IV Henry V Essays

Appearance vs. Reality in Henry IV      Ã‚  Ã‚   Shakespeare's play Henry IV begins with a king (King Henry) beginning a pilgrimage after killing King Richard II.   Henry believes that by gaining the throne of England he has done an honourable deed, yet he admits that the fighting and bloodshed could continue, A. . .  Ã‚   ill sheathed knife . . . @ (I.1.17).   He, also, admits   that his own son, Prince Hal,   is not honourable enough to occupy the throne, Asee riot and dishonour stain the brow of my young Harry"   (I.1.17).      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Shakespeare continues the topos of honour and redemption into Act three, scene two, where he uses elements such as anaphora, topos, imagery and rhetoric in a meeting between King Henry and Prince Hal that is both   crucial and climatic to the overall structure of the theme of honour.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   At the beginning of Act III   sc. ii,   Shakespeare clears all other characters from the stage to allow King Henry=s first meeting, face to face with Prince Hal, to be focused and intense.   King Henry is the first to speak and sets a sombre tone as he begins to unmask himself to his son A. . .   some displeasing service I have done @   (3.2.5).  Ã‚   As well Shakespeare allows King Henry to bring Prince Hal=s mask to attention by using anaphora:      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Could such inordinate and low desires,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Such poor, such bare, such lewd, such   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   mean attempt, such barren pleasures,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   rude society as there art matched withal . . . (3.2.12-15).    The word such is used to emphasise his [Henry]   displeasure of Hal=s friends and the image they   portray around him causing Hal in the eyes of Henry to lose his princely image.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Shakespeare, then allows Prince Hal to defend himself to his father's interpretations of his (Hal) character.   Again, there is a contrast between what King Henry perceives and what is reality.   The king is obviously distressed over Hal=s choice of friends   and how they affect this   'Princely image'.  Ã‚   Hal   on the other hand asks for Apardon on my true submission @ (3.2.27), claiming that such people (friends) tell stories that may not always be true Aaft the ear of greatness must hear @ (3.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Art Essay

* Art is a term that describes a diverse range of human activities and the products of those activities, but here refers to the visual arts, which cover the creation of images or objects in fields including paintings, sculpture, printmaking, photography, and other visual media. They are two paintings that have been drawn by Dmitry Levitzky in 1773 and by Millais in 1871. The first portrait by Dmitry levitzky is called Nelidova, Ekaterina Ivanovna who she is the daughter of Lieutenant Ivan Dmitrievich Nelidov. She was raised in the Smolny Institute for Young Ladies and was noticed there by Empress Catherine II, who made her a maid of honor to the Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna, later Empress, whose husband Emperor Pavel I. She was sincerely attached to him, although their relations were never intimate. She was able to influence Pavel I, preventing some of his unwise decisions and tantrums. She was also a close friend of the Empress Maria Feodorovna. The second portrait by John Everett Millais is called The Martyr of Solway the â€Å"Margaret† depicted by Millais was Margaret Wilson, who was born in 1667 in Glenvernoch in Wigtownshire. She was a young and devout Presbyterian who was a member of the Covenanters, a Scottish Presbyterian movement of the 17th century in Scotland who signed the National Covenant in 1638 to confirm their opposition to the interference by the Stuart kings in the affairs of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland. The Stuart kings embraced the belief of the Divine Right of the Monarch. However, not only did they believe that God wished them to be the infallible rulers of their kingdom – they also believed that they were the spiritual heads of the Church of Scotland. This latter belief was anathema to the Scots. Their belief was quite simple – no man, not even a king, could be spiritual head of their church. The following piece will demonstrate the differences and similarities between the two images in a compare and a contrast manner. Analyze the fundamental differences. Point out the major mutual points.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Creative Ideas for Elementary Classroom Bulletin Boards

Creative Ideas for Elementary Classroom Bulletin Boards Classroom bulletin boards are a great way to display student work in an organized and attractive manner. Whether youre creating a seasonal board, teaching board, or bragging board, its a fun way to dress up a plain wall to correlate with your teaching idea or style. Back to School These back to school bulletin board ideas are a great way to welcome students back for a new school year. Teachers Corner offers a variety of ideas such as: A Brand New Bunch of _______ Graders.Recipe for a Great School Year.Blast off to a Great Year.Checkin and Check Us Out. Welcome Back.Darting into a New Year.Look Whos Hanging Out in _______ Grade.Quack, Quack Welcome Back.Stepping in _______.Welcome Aboard______.Welcome to a Fin-Tastic Year. Birthdays A birthday bulletin board is a great way to honor and celebrate the most important day in your students lives. Help make you students feel special, and use the ideas from the Teachers Corner to help celebrate their birthday. Ideas Include: Eating Our Way to Another BirthdayBirthday TrainA Sea of BirthdaysHappy BearthdayMonthly Birthdays Seasonal Your classroom bulletin board is the ideal place to educate your students about the seasons and upcoming holidays. Use this blank slate to express your students creativity and display their best work. DLTK-Teach lists monthly bulletin board ideas by title and theme. Some ideas include: January - New YearFebruary - Pinch Us Were in LoveMarch - St. Patricks Day - Our Little LeprechaunsApril - Some Bunny Loved MeMay - Fluttering into SpringJune - Sailing into SummerJuly - Under the Summer SkySeptember - Welcome to Our SchoolOctober - Are You Scared?November - Give ThanksDecember - Its Snow Secret End of the School Year If you are looking for a way to wrap up the school year, or help students look forward to the next school year, this bulletin board website shares great ideas such as: Were Antsy for ______ Grade.This Year Flew By...Our Summers Looking Bright! Miscellaneous Bulletin Boards After scouring the internet, talking to fellow educators and gathering some ideas of my own, board the following is a list of the best miscellaneous board titles for elementary classrooms. I was Caught Doing Something Good.Dive into a Good Book.A Tee-rific Class.Mrs.____Great Catch.Go Bananas for School.We Present You with Our Wishes for Christmas.Welcome to ______School. You fit right in!Look Whoos in Our Room.When We Learn We Grow.Mrs._____ Class is in Full Bloom.Look Whos Been Spotted in ____.Buzz on into _____ Class.A Fresh Bash of Smart Cookies.School in September is TREE-Mendous.Surf on into _____.Look Whos Hiding in the Pumpkin Patch?Good Work Has Been Spotted.This Year is Going to Rule.Popping Through Our _____.Wild About Learning.Were on the Road to_____.Camping Out Under the Stars.Hop Into Learning. Tips and Suggestions Here are some helpful tips to help you improve and create effective classroom displays. Use borders to frame your display. Some unique ideas include Christmas lights, tassels, paper shapes, beads, monopoly money, feathers, rope, pictures, muffin cups, vocabulary words, etc.To make your display stand out use a creative background. Some fun ideas are to use a checkerboard pattern, polka-dots, a plain black background,  tablecloth, newspaper,f abric, wrapping paper, cellophane, netting, a brick pattern, etc.Be creative with your letters. Use different items to create words such as glitter, yarn, string, magazine letters, shadow letters or sand.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Puritain Mission essays

Puritain Mission essays Some Puritans, disenchanted with the Anglican Church, and persecuted in England for their religious beliefs, decided to move to the New World, and have their own colony. Led by John Winthrop, their mission was to create what he called a city upon a hill. This would be a Godly community, demonstrating a life of piety and community, and would serve as an example for Puritans everywhere. Although the colony itself ultimately thrived, the Puritan mission, as originally stated was not overly successful. There were many factors that led to Puritan Declension the belief that they did indeed stray from their mission. When John Winthrop prepared to lead the first group of Puritans to the New World in 1629, he wrote a document that listed several reasons why he was going, and also why others should follow. He declared that the New World was a place provided by God, and it would serve as a refuge for many, and that England had become a land that had grown weary of her inhabitants. He also spoke of English society having grown to heights of intemperance, and that living in that society made it almost impossible for a good and upright man to ... live comfortably there. He refers to the land in the New World as being as good or better in quality, and certainly more plentiful in quantity compared to what is currently available in England. He ends his document by saying that if someone in England is godly, and living in wealth in prosperity, and then in turn gives that up to join them, they would serve as excellent examples for others, and would encourage them to join the more willingly in it. Alt hough Winthrop was sincere in his belief of what he wrote about, and the writing serves as an excellent framework of the reasons why he and other Puritans wanted to go to the New World, it could also be colloquially referred to as a ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How To Make Colorful Soap Bubbles

How To Make Colorful Soap Bubbles Were you one of those kids who tried to add food coloring to ordinary bubble solution to make colored bubbles? Food coloring wont give you bright bubbles, and even if it did, they would cause stains. Heres a recipe for pink or blue colored bubbles, based on disappearing ink, so the bubbles wont stain surfaces when they land. Safety First Please dont drink the bubble solution! Unused bubble solution may be stored for later in a sealed container or disposed of by pouring it down the drain.These are bubbles intended for blowing bubbles, not for bathing.Sodium hydroxide is a  strong base. Avoid direct contact with this ingredient. If you do get some on your hands, rinse them immediately with water. Ingredients Liquid dishwashing detergent  (or another detergent)Water or commercial bubble solutionSodium hydroxidePhenolphthaleinThymolphthaleinClub soda (optional) Heres How If you are making your own bubble solution, mix the detergent and water.Add the sodium hydroxide and indicator to the bubble solution. You want enough indicator so that the bubbles will be deeply colored. For each liter of bubble solution (4 cups), this is about 1-1/2 to 2 teaspoons of phenolphthalein (red) or thymolphthalein (blue).Add sodium hydroxide until you get the indicator to change from colorless to colored (about half a teaspoon should do the trick). A little more sodium hydroxide will result in a bubble that keeps its color longer. If you add too much, the color of the bubble wont disappear when exposed to air or rubbed, though you can still react it with club soda.You may find it necessary to dissolve the indicator in a small amount of alcohol before mixing it with the bubble solution. You can use pre-made indicator solution, adding the sodium hydroxide to the indicator rather than diluting with water.Youve essentially made disappearing ink bubbles. When the bubble lands, you can make the color vanish by either rubbing the spot (reacting the liquid with air) or by adding a little club soda. Fun! If you have disappearing ink, you could mix it with bubble solution to make disappearing ink bubbles.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Sustainable management future Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Sustainable management future - Assignment Example It is a crucial aspect for marketers to understand the expectations and ethics within cultures that may influence their business transactions. An understanding of the cultural basis for ethical behavior in various countries may arm marketers with the necessary knowledge required in succeeding across the multi cultural businesses. Implementation of such knowledge with a clear sequence of managerial guidelines may actualize the value of such an understanding (Fisher, 2013, 2). In essence, culture is one of the factors that influence the ethics of a business. According to the Random House Dictionary, ethics refers to the rules of conduct that are identified in relation to a specific class of human actions for a specific culture, or group. Different cultures have different rules of conduct. The essence of this paper is to examine how different ethics and values can be reconciled when doing business across different cultures. Our goal is not to identify the ethical or unethical practices. Rather, the objective is to understand these variations and outline a way of how to reconcile them for effective performance. What is significant is that some cultures may view such practices with different levels of condemnation. This presents a problem for managers who are engaged in cross-cultural transactions. Such managers have to anticipate and manage such variations in an ethical behavior that is grounded on the cultural differences (Armstrong and Sweeney, 1994, 34). The purpose of this paper is to identity how different ethics and values can be reconciled when doing business across different cultures. Media today is awash with stories that highlight domestic and international unethical behaviors of managers. Such behavior may include bribery, illegal contributions, sale of defective products, hiding information and other vices. These incidences are a representation of personal or organizational misconduct and portray an ignorance or violation of an ethical framework. The

Friday, October 18, 2019

Female genital mutilation Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Female genital mutilation - Research Proposal Example Free trade offers important benefits to improve the overall economic conditions of rich and poor countries as well as serving as an important deterrent for war. On the other hand, free trade policy does not work very effectively when the participating members do not cooperate with each other and comply with the policy accordingly. Furthermore, free trade forces some countries to depend economically on others, on essential commodities such as raw materials and food, which is very detrimental especially during the times of war. Other negative effects of free trade include cutthroat competition and dumping, among many others. Despite these impediments, this paper argues that free trade spurs globalization and international trade, which in effect brings nations together and hence preventing them from resulting into war. Globalization has emerged as one of the most important forces of change in the recent times. What started as an economic move to open the borders and allow free trade has now made inroads into other fabrics of the society. Additionally, changes are being observed at socio-political level where smaller and developing countries are transitioning towards democracy and improved economic performance. Normally, governments often impose trade restrictions such as quotas, tariffs and other barriers that make it relatively difficult for other countries to actually trade with each other. Despite this barrier, free trade has emerged from the drive towards globalization, which is sweeping across even the fundamental structures of the society. As a result of this drive towards the free trade, many nations including China and India benefits from open economies. Since developing countries are essential providers of raw material and also possess cheap labor, the overall benefit is perceived as being transferred to poor nations.

Teaching Materials for Secondary School Teachers Essay

Teaching Materials for Secondary School Teachers - Essay Example To be able to help students to achieve a productive future that ultimately can help the nation, schools should not provide mediocre learning. This can be attributed to the fact that educational system should aim for high quality in the education methods and techniques that are used and utilized. Quality education can be considered as a necessity since the search for employment to be able to survive in the present society can be considered as one of the most competitive process. It is then important primarily to define quality education. Specifically, quality education is a term that is based on the four principles of education. Quality can be equivalent to the standard that makes students more than capable to be able to present themselves in the real world. The basic foundation principles include the concepts of learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together with others, and learning to be. The provision of quality education can be considered as one of the basic rights of a person falling next to the basic needs (Sims and Sims, 1995). Quality education is culturally appropriate and locally relevant where the economic, environmental and social contexts of a particular area are taken into consideration in the formulation of the curriculum. It develops knowledge, perspectives, values, attitudes and life skills. Quality education provides the means to transform existing societies to more sustainable societies (Lee, 1963; Sims and Sims, 1995). Based on the definition of quality education it can be considered that there is a great need to be able to have an in depth study on the factors that can contribute to the achievement of quality education. ... In relation to the said issues regarding education, the main focus of the study is the presentation of the importance of one of the essential factors of educational process which is the educators and the capabilities to facilitate the process of learning. II. Essential Notions in Education In the aim to achieve quality education in the secondary level, there are different notions that are needed to be considered. One is the teaching methods and principles which can be considered as the main content in teaching. The said component can commonly be observed through the analysis of the composition of the curriculum in an educational institution (Lee, 1963). Another important component is the educators that can be considered as the main personalities that serve as keys to the attainment of the type of education that is aspired for. The ability of the educators extends from the capacity to present and achieve a learning process on the different aspects of a learner's personality. To be able to achieve the objectives of learning the learning techniques and styles of an educator is essential. This can be attributed to the fact that the educator facilitates the leaning process (Sims and Sims, 1995). One important factor of the learning process also is the learner. Basically, the abilities, attitudes and predispositions of learner also make the facilitation of the learning process possible. Abilities can be considered as the natural capabilities of the learners and students that are needed to be enhanced and developed in the process of learning. Determination of such abilities is essential although the said measure vary for every student. Another is the

KEY DEBATES IN MEDIA STUDIES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

KEY DEBATES IN MEDIA STUDIES - Essay Example The song competition unites all countries that are geographically located on the territory of Europe in attempt to define the best performance with the help of free televoting. Though the quality of the music on the contest is sometimes very disputable (because most singers and bands choose pop as a preferable genre) the overall impact of the event on European society is rather significant. First of all, it is believed to shape the direction and trends in European cultural development as the Eurovision promotes live performance and unique, and that is why non-trivial, show on the stage. Several world famous stars, such as ABBA for instance, first appeared as participants of the contest. However, many viewers claim that the Eurovision can be regarded as a political show first of all because it reflects Europeans` preferences and negative tendencies in perception of certain countries. The contest also demonstrates quite vividly which countries and the nations of which countries have go od relationships and which relationships are tense. Last year the victory of the Austrian contestant, Conchita Wurst who represents herself as a drag queen, set the whole cultural world in turmoil and provoked active debates regarding the relevance and the influence of the event. Therefore, it is possible to suggest the Eurovision is one of the most controversial music contests on the planet which has its political and cultural implications for the population of Europe and its representation in media must be performed with the help of different, sometimes even opposite approaches. In this paper I will try to analyze how media can utilize various tactics and emphasize different priorities depending on its relation to the realms of state and politics and culture. To begin with it is still necessary to create some adequate image of the Eurovision song contest. Most common people in Europe

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Asian Agriculture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Asian Agriculture - Essay Example In India, the agriculture sector is not protected when compared to the industrial sector; this may be one of the reasons for it failure in trade. Food grains are in abundance in India, especially Rice. This should not be used as an export, because you never know when the situation might change for the demand. Food crops should be used in other industries, such as animal feed. One another major point is that liberalization has enabled diversity in the food supplies and it is not easy for the government to subsidize all these supplies so that the poor can eat them, thus it is better to people to get jobs and earn money so that they can eat what they want and to ensure a continuous supply of food in their house. In the early 1990’s the subsidies being received by the agricultural sector were above their requirement and can be called full investment in this sector. The use of new technology was adopted by the farmers quickly because of the subsidies, but the sector has deteriorated in terms of fiscal deficits, productivity of inputs, employment elasticity and environmental degradation. Economies of scale cannot be experienced by the farmers in India. Currently there is a ceiling in the industry; the best thing for the industry is to continue with the ceiling so that in the future the sector can develop itself as a safety net for the industry as a whole. The policies and restrictions should not be relaxed, and loans should be provided to farmers who want to buy land for cultivation. This will help all people involved, as the farmers would work hard to pay for the land and the land owners can benefit from the produce of the land. The economic viability of the country is very low, the market rates and the concessional rates have a huge difference because of the middle-men involved. This leads to the poor families getting higher interest rates. These farmers should be

Written report on Macdonalds Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Written report on Macdonalds - Essay Example From a strategic perspective, McDonald’s is currently perusing an aggressive sales based strategy in new and emergent markets such as China, India, Russia and parts of South America. While McDonald’s traditional markets such as the UK and US may be seen as saturated, the company has still managed to increase sales through organic growth with sales in 2010 increasing by 3.9% in the US and 4.4% in Europe compared to 6% figure seen in new and emergent markets for the company (McDonald’s, 2010). In generating continued growth over the past eight years, the annual report (McDonald’s, 2010) highlights the fact that a clear strategy has been set in the adaptation of a globalised marketing mix template to meet the needs of localised customer groups (Brassington and Pettit, 2006, Kottler et al, 2009). As such, for McDonald’s this results in a business model with limited complexity and the associated costs of complexity, yet the ability to benefit from a localised marketing strategy. In addition the business has in recent years developed a clear model of communication in which three key stakeholders are included so as to ensure success of the businesses strategy at the aggregate level. Here the annual report (McDonald’s, 2010) highlights franchisees, suppliers and employees as the key stakeholders of the business in carrying out the overall strategy of the business. A standard tool for analysing the key factors within the general level or macro environment is to use a PESTLE analysis (Jones and George, 2010, Johnson et al, 2008). The PESTLE analysis considers six key factors within the external macro level environment which may have an impact upon how a business later seeks to create a competitive advantage. Political factors in recent decades may be seen as aiding the McDonald’s business model for large international expansion. Key political reforms

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

KEY DEBATES IN MEDIA STUDIES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

KEY DEBATES IN MEDIA STUDIES - Essay Example The song competition unites all countries that are geographically located on the territory of Europe in attempt to define the best performance with the help of free televoting. Though the quality of the music on the contest is sometimes very disputable (because most singers and bands choose pop as a preferable genre) the overall impact of the event on European society is rather significant. First of all, it is believed to shape the direction and trends in European cultural development as the Eurovision promotes live performance and unique, and that is why non-trivial, show on the stage. Several world famous stars, such as ABBA for instance, first appeared as participants of the contest. However, many viewers claim that the Eurovision can be regarded as a political show first of all because it reflects Europeans` preferences and negative tendencies in perception of certain countries. The contest also demonstrates quite vividly which countries and the nations of which countries have go od relationships and which relationships are tense. Last year the victory of the Austrian contestant, Conchita Wurst who represents herself as a drag queen, set the whole cultural world in turmoil and provoked active debates regarding the relevance and the influence of the event. Therefore, it is possible to suggest the Eurovision is one of the most controversial music contests on the planet which has its political and cultural implications for the population of Europe and its representation in media must be performed with the help of different, sometimes even opposite approaches. In this paper I will try to analyze how media can utilize various tactics and emphasize different priorities depending on its relation to the realms of state and politics and culture. To begin with it is still necessary to create some adequate image of the Eurovision song contest. Most common people in Europe

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Written report on Macdonalds Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Written report on Macdonalds - Essay Example From a strategic perspective, McDonald’s is currently perusing an aggressive sales based strategy in new and emergent markets such as China, India, Russia and parts of South America. While McDonald’s traditional markets such as the UK and US may be seen as saturated, the company has still managed to increase sales through organic growth with sales in 2010 increasing by 3.9% in the US and 4.4% in Europe compared to 6% figure seen in new and emergent markets for the company (McDonald’s, 2010). In generating continued growth over the past eight years, the annual report (McDonald’s, 2010) highlights the fact that a clear strategy has been set in the adaptation of a globalised marketing mix template to meet the needs of localised customer groups (Brassington and Pettit, 2006, Kottler et al, 2009). As such, for McDonald’s this results in a business model with limited complexity and the associated costs of complexity, yet the ability to benefit from a localised marketing strategy. In addition the business has in recent years developed a clear model of communication in which three key stakeholders are included so as to ensure success of the businesses strategy at the aggregate level. Here the annual report (McDonald’s, 2010) highlights franchisees, suppliers and employees as the key stakeholders of the business in carrying out the overall strategy of the business. A standard tool for analysing the key factors within the general level or macro environment is to use a PESTLE analysis (Jones and George, 2010, Johnson et al, 2008). The PESTLE analysis considers six key factors within the external macro level environment which may have an impact upon how a business later seeks to create a competitive advantage. Political factors in recent decades may be seen as aiding the McDonald’s business model for large international expansion. Key political reforms

Popular Culture Essay Essay Example for Free

Popular Culture Essay Essay Although there are some parts of popular culture that make it into high culture, popular culture is transient; it describes the way of life, attitudes, and passions of mostly younger people. These views usually change as they age and gain real life experience. This essay will cover culture, popular culture, three major trends in popular American culture and how popular American culture affects personal decision making. Culture is the united design of social understanding, faith, and conduct that hinges on the ability to search for knowledge and spread it to future generations. It is also the ordinary principles, collective customs, and measurable qualities of ethnic, religious, or a community. (Oxford English Dictionary, 2012) â€Å"The soul takes nothing with her to the next world but her education and her culture.† (Plato, 2012) Popular cultural is the understanding and actions of a particular set of people in a particular era. It is also television shows (like Reality TV) or marketable goods (like sagging pants, oversized shirts, hats designed to be worn backward, etc.) made for, or targeted at particular set of people. (Oxford English Dictionary, 2012) In this student’s opinion popular culture comes and goes and only defines an era not its people. Three major trends in today’s society are a digital society, sexual explicitness, and a general lack of personal responsibility. Americans live in a digital society that relies on technology more than personal relationships. We do a great deal of shopping and purchasing online and have become a society where the sexier it is the better. Almost everything on television, in magazines, and even our music have become permeated with sexual overtones and innuendos. Finally, we have a dilemma with the lack of personal responsibility in our country; recently there have been several lawsuits against fast food restaurants for making people fat. Americans need to accept responsibility for our own actions; it was not the fast food restaurants that made us fat, rather it was our decision to eat there that did. Popular American culture affects personal decision making various ways, whether it is the type of food we buy, the music we listen to, electronics we purchase, and even the people we date. In this student’s opinion the Internet is the single most influential popular culture influencer of our time. We use it for everything from dating, shopping, exploring, studying, traveling, relaxing, and so much more. Popular culture  affects us in almost every decision we make. Although there are some parts of popular culture that makes it into high culture, popular culture is transient. This essay covered culture, popular culture, three major trends in popular American culture and how popular American culture affects personal decision making. â€Å"Culture is made of everything that enables man to maintain, enhance or transform without weakening it, the ideal image of himself that it has inherited.† (Malraux, 2001) References Malraux, A. (2001, May 2). UCL Discours recteur Marcel Crochet. Retrieved from Oxford English Dictionary. (2012, June). Retrieved from Plato. (2012, June 4). Here, There, and Everywhere. Retrieved from

Monday, October 14, 2019

Guide to industrial relations for new union members

Guide to industrial relations for new union members Employee Relations: The guide to industrial relations for new union members 1.1 Aspects of industrial relations. Unitarist-V-Pluralist â€Å"The pressure on Human Resources Management to be strategic is almost as intense now as the campaign to persuade us to eat healthily. We all believe it is a good thing to be strategic- career progressive for ourselves, prestigious for our progression and it might even do our organizations good as well†. (Harriott and Pinder, 1992: pg 36) Pluralistic and Unitary frames of reference are part of the new industrial relations resolution that is there to prevent actions that would result in industrial dispute. Both frames of reference look at the views of employees and how organization deals with them, if they do. Below is a model of Guest (1989), which is also the work of many theorists, which looks at the frames of reference, and how they differ. Unitarist:  ·Traditional unitarist  ·Sophisticated unitarist Pluralist:  ·New industrial relations pluralist  ·Opportunistic pluralist  ·Sophisticated pluralist  ·Traditional pluralist The Unitarists view: this form of reference looks at businesses that believe that the employees should share the same goals as the overall organization. A Pluralist looks at and accepts that employees will not all share the same goals and views as the overall organization. This also affects the presence of Union representative role within the organization, and how they view their roles. For example, Unitarists find it difficult to accept that the Union has such a major role in the organization, but Pluralist welcome the idea of their presence and regard them as an essential role for employees motivation in the workplace. â€Å"Most managers took the line that since they could get what they wanted through negotiations or by acting out unilaterally, there was no need to attack the unions†. (Kessder and Bayliss, 1992, pg. 35) For example IBM and Hewitt Packard have followed the culture side of sophisticated approach of unitarists, where they emphasise the importance of every employee having the same objectives as the company. They also have strong emphasis on having a sophisticated selection process of new employees, along with training and employment involvement. The majority of the employees in their company are non-union. Guest (2001) also describes four possible industrial strategies (orientations) that may be followed: The new realism: This is when a company considers human resource management and industrial relations highly regarded for the company and their employees. An example of this put into practice is by a company called Thorn Lighting, whom state that the new realism is something they strongly believe in: New styles of union given more power Employment is top agenda Emphasis on career and personal development To also continue increasing skills and tools and techniques to support world class initiative. (Thorn Lighting) Traditional collectivism: This is the emphasis being place on industrial relations without HRM. Stakeholders are directly affected by the companies culture and attitude of employee relations; â€Å"the rationale for employee relations is to solve the problem that in a labour market the buyers (employers) and sellers (employees) have an endemic conflict of interests over the prices at which they wish to exchange their services†. (Gennard and Judge (2003)) Employee relations strategy is something that has to work successfully to make the company overall successful. Employees have a vast interest in how the company is performing; for the job security, if the business is not performing as well as it should, will this mean that they would lose their job? Involving employees in some business decision making will allow them to feel that they are important to the company and could increase job motivation and loyalty. This will decrease the need for any industrial actions or union interference. Union members will also have a interest in the business, seeing how 1.2 Union History Kochan (1980) sees industrial relations as emphasizing the study of all aspects of people at work, including all individuals as well as group workers (who may or may not organise into a trade union), the behaviour of employers and union organizations, together with the public policy or legal framework governing employment conditions. The union membership has been rising and then falling over the years, especially with the Margaret Thatcher era, which could be due to the large unions that tried and failed against the government, they included: Miners Steel workers Civil servants Hospital workers And printers The union membership fell from 13million to 12million in 1979, but there were still 300,000 shop stewards and reps, 47 out of 50 top UK companies still were unionized. Striking in 1994 hit an all time low, when only 278,000 days were lost by strike action. The total for the first nine months of 1995 was 238,00; since then Job Centre staff, Merseyside Fire-Fighters, Ford and Vauxhall workers have taken strike action. An unofficial strike action was taken in Scotland by postal workers, which led to victory. â€Å"There are no doubts that people are saying enough is enough and the membership is moving ahead of the trade union leadership† (Ken Cameron-Daily Mail). With the new labour government in 1997, they began to see trade unions as an advantage, which could be used to encourage workplace learning. In May 1998, the union learning funding was created to encourage and provide government funding for ‘innovative trade union projects. This involves the promotion of workplace learning, which 28,000 people have benefited from additional learning opportunities. (In the first four years) In April 2003, legal status was brought in for ‘union learning representatives, which indicated that government believe that training is an important aspect of improvement in employee relations. This would also encourage the bargaining agenda and partnership promotion of between employers and unions. This will economically be important to the government as it will improve the skills of workers, but it will also create harmony in the workplace, therefore preventing industrial action. 1.3+1.4: Roles involved in employee relations Trade unions The aim of trade unions are to give employees job protection, the improvement of pay and conditions, and to also industrial democracy. What do unions do for there members? Negotiate pay and conditions Give advice and information Defend employee rights Resolve conflict Provide services for members I.e. legal help 1998 figures for other union memberships: UNISON: (public services) 1,300,451 TG: (general) 881,357 NUT: (teachers) 172,852 FBU: (firefighters) 56,943 Source: Labour Research Grouped union types: Craft and occupational unions: White collar unions: this union is for employed in a professional environment e.g. office based. Blue collar unions: these workers are involved in manual employment General unions: this union is specific to those that are not already in a union, but do not have a craft or skill Industrial unions: industrial unions organise their own unions that are specific to their industry. Trades unions can be organized on the basis of occupation, industry or make-up a general union with different groups of unions join. Representatives are elected at the workplace, with discussions with management, which are then linked with regional and national level union structure and services. Regional and national level unions focus mainly on negotiating with employers over pay and conditions. Nationally, some unions may join together to form one or more national unions e.g. Trade Union Congress (TUC). TUC: The TUC is a national trade union centre, a collaboration of trade unions in the UK. They have union representatives of over six and a half million working people, whilst campaigning for a fair deal at work and for social justice home and abroad. The TUC is highly regarded and recognized as the voice of Britain. The TUC is the largest voluntary organization in Britain, whom have 76 members of unions that campaign for the workers; Fairness Decent standards of working environment Health and safety Equal opportunities However, the TUC is not seen as highly powered, as individual unions are not bound by the decisions that the TUC make. Their main activities of the TUC is to: Pressure and influence government policy, that includes labour and union issues They also make the decisions for members of the unions on rules and legislation, however they do not interfere with the day-to-day running of individual unions. The confederation of British Industry (CBI) was formed in 1965, though similar to the TUC, it differs as the voices of the employees are heard, not the voices of the union members. Members of the CBI are from: Private sector industries Service and commercial enterprise Public sector Employers association Trade association And Chambers of Commerce. They have regional offices that help to deal with local and area issues, which enables them to keep in touch with small businesses and local employers, to resolve any issues that they may have. Like the TUC, they also attempt to influence government decision making Provides legal, financial and economical advice to all of their members Has links in Europe, for the interest of the British industry in the European union They also consult with bodies such as ACAS, in association with the TUC also. Employee representatives act as the main voice for the employees, which includes the process of collective bargaining/negotiation. Being a rep is on a voluntary basis and are elected by the employees that they will represent. Employee reps can make improvement to employee relations, as they are able to be the main voice towards the management for the employees. This could help improve the harmony of the workplace, and could disrupt any dispute that could happen in the near future, due to good communication and sound negotiating. This will then begin to create a trusting relationship, especially between line managers and employees, as any grievance will be dealt with through the help of their rep. Employers are seeing the benefits of active employees in the union, which has a direct impact on employee relations. Employees will improve their people relations and competency skills, which would therefore improve their efficiency and improve overall job satisfaction, communication and motivation within the work place. As issues will be resolved through the increased communication, then it is likely that employees will have the motivation and satisfaction to work to the best of their abilities. The direct impact of de-motivated employees are low production, which means low profit and it will have a domino affect on the other stakeholders that have an interest in the business too. Line managers also have a direct affect on the sufficient running of the work floor and can affect the attitudes of the workers. Communication is key to the relationship between line managers and employees, this brings the importance of how the rep can make the difference to the working environment. Collective disputes: Strike actions: this involves a complete stoppage of work by the union members employees due to their grievances being unresolved from unsuccessful bargaining. Strikes are taken up on by labour unions during the collective bargaining process. When the collective bargaining negotiations breakdown, strike action is usually taken as the last resort. This is due to both parties unable to reach an agreement. Government intervention has always been highly regarded to the governments overall party, as industrial disputes can have a damaging affect on the economy. Currently the government funds a number of bodies that can resolve any future industrial disputes that may occur. They fund the ACAS scheme, which was set up in 1974 and was given statutory rights under the Employment Protection Act 1975. ACAS attempt to resolve any disputes before further action is taken by the union. â€Å"The current ACAS, originally called the Conciliation and Arbitration Service, was set up with an independent council to direct it in 1974. Advisory was added to the name in 1975 to reflect the full range of services on offer. Finally, in 1976, the new organisation was put on a statutory footing and receives its funding through the Department of Trade and Industry†. (Derek Torrington-2005) Advantages of using ACAS in a dispute: Results can be quick, it day take less than a day to resolve the dispute Can be a cost-efficient method Flexible for the organization Opportunities for appeal are very limited Legal representatives are not required, so this method is very cost affective Services that ACAS provide: Industrial disputes: ACAS will intervene in its conciliation duties if an industrial dispute takes place, with the request of union group members or management. Arbitration: this is where both parties put their case forward, so ACAS can assess each case and then recommends any decisions that could be made Advisory work: ACAS carry out advisory work with employers, trade unions and employers association. Code of practice: ACAS issue a code of practice, which advises how to improve industrial relations between employers and employees. Enquiries: ACAS are well informed and publish booklets on labour turnover and appraisal systems etc, to help improve industrial relations and personnel management practice. Individual cases: ACAS individually investigates an employee grievance from unfair dismissal to discrimination. Tribunals: ACAS overall aim is to settle any matter of grievance without using the courts as a method. The central arbitration committee: If agreements cannot be reached, then employees have the option of the Central arbitration Committee (CAC), which is a government body which is designed to assist with union queries. The committee first encourage the union to try and resolve the issue first hand. If this fails then the committee will recognize this and union could then hold a ballot. The CAC have the power to instruct the employer to co-operate with the ballot or risk a fine. Example of resolving a dispute: ITV have set ways to help communicate with their employees approach to dispute and have procedures put in place to avoid conflict. ITV uses a wide range of direct communication methods to engage with individual employees. ITVs intranet, known as Watercooler, provides a daily online update on news affecting ITV directly and theres a weekly Watercooler for employees who are not online. Other methods of communication includes the 60-second update-produced monthly by central communications and setting out whats going on in the business. This includes individual development reviews, briefing meetings, workshops and using individual relationships with the line manager. This is then monitored to see if this affected through employee surveys. The company also engages in collective bargaining through elected representatives because the union represents only 15 percent of their workforce. ITV need to consult employees regularly as the scale of changes within the organization, they have around 15 communication groups located in different businesses. The aim of this is to reassure that the employees feel respected and that their interests are of an importance. However, management rarely deliver engagement towards the employees, so they put the emphasis on line managers and HR policies and affective communication to allow the employees to be engaged in company activity. When disputes surface they use the collective bargaining and elected representatives to deal with the disputes- along with the union members. The process is: This way of resolving conflict is positive as it allows the employees to have a large amount of communication forwarded and towards the management. However, there seems to be a large amount of responsibility to be the employees main spokesman, which cold be negative for employees if line managers communication is poor. Collective bargaining: Collective bargaining is a process in which employers work with the employees trade union and work councils to negotiate issues that are unsettling the employees. Usually most employees bargain on a day-to-day basis, which involves communication between the line manager on a regular basis. Whos involved in collective bargaining? Collective bargaining is not as commonly used as it once was, according to Cully (1999), only 41 percent now use this method of negotiating the employees terms and conditions. Eastern Europe and the Scandinavian countries still commonly use the collective bargaining process as a way to negotiate employees conditions. The union members and representatives bring into the negotiating argument of rising house prices and cost of living to negotiate their pay terms. Whilst management make negotiations from examples of the labour market rates. Both have to be consider in how it will affect the companies costs and the future affects. Source: Tim Hannogan- management, concept and practices. (1998) John Goodman (1984) describes collective bargaining as ‘a process through which representatives of employers and employee organization act as the joint creators of substantive and procedural rules regulating employment. The negotiation process will depend on the culture of the business I.e. pluralist-V-unitarist. Open and clear communication and preparation will allow the possibilities of conflict to be dissolved and relations with employees with employers will be improved. Preparation for the negotiation process: Drawing up the plan of what they hope to achieve, with objectives of the negotiation, which then is approved by the appropriate management Investigating what the grievances the employees have, letting everyone have a view, so the negotiations and objectives are clear Looking at the current collective bargaining agreements that already exists within the company Looking at how the employees would benefit from the suggested improvements e.g. increased salary Looking at the cost implications of proposed improvements According to an American study carried out, skills of negotiation are carried out with specific requirements for the negotiators taken on the bargaining: Being rated both highly in a negotiation Having the appropriate track record of negotiation success Having a low record of unsuccessful negotiations Strategy of negotiation It is important that the process is taken on board and planning is the main part, if there is going to be a successful negotiation. Planning the negotiation will look at the alternative outcomes, giving them a range of options if they cannot agree on specific issues. I believe that it is important that negotiators do not focus on one point, not forgetting other issues that need resolving. Also the planning of the future is very important when negotiation, looking at the short-term and long-term implications. It is also important that both representatives agree with their objectives and allocate roles to suit their strengths. Looking at what the other party might suggest and looking at ways to not give-up on what the overall original objectives were. Possible outcomes: Employee relations -V- industrial relations, difference? Industrial relations have become a term that is used based upon strike action and disputes in the work place. However, the new term employee relations, sets about to bring a more harmonized work force, whom have more communication

Sunday, October 13, 2019

John Donne :: essays research papers

John Donne John Donne was a writer with exceptional talent and had an intense feeling about all that he wrote. In the beginning of his life he was a charming man who , was accepted by royalty because of his personality and writing ability. Having been employed by one of the queen’s highly regarded men , he worked and associated with the high class royalty. Donne’s life and job lead him to meet and eventually marry his employer’s daughter. This couple caused scandal due to the classifications of the two people. Having lost his job because of this and also not being able to obtain steady employment the family lived in poverty for years. Donne held low class secretary jobs and wrote during this time , but lack of financial security kept them where they where in life. He , by writing with the motivation from the love of his wife , became one of the most widely read writers of the time. As time went on Anne passed away and Donne was left with the children. He soon was elect ed dean of St. Paul’s Cathedral , became a famous speaker , he used the motivation of God and the church to fuel his writing. Much of Donne’s poetry was written for his wife and was very intense due to the love he felt for her. In "The Canonization" Donne tries to fight why he cannot love Anne and asks what is the matter with his love , for he sees it as true. He writes in a civil manner asking if his love has hurt anyone , if the intensity that he loves her has ever injured anyone. Never fearing what others say or do to the couple he bases the security of his life on their love. He ponders why people are worrying about their love when awful people are committing horrible acts throughout the world. He says that they are one and nothing could break them apart. Not wanting to be bothered anymore and yearning to live free with his love he wonders if people will approve and , though his love will not die , fears that the impact of the world will destroy their bond. During his years without his wife Donne wrote about the love of the church and the Lord. Much like the prior years in intensity and feeling , but with a different object of affection.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Zuma Beach Essay -- Descriptive Essay About A Place

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It was a sunny Friday afternoon when I decided to take my observations with me out into the world. I find that my imagination wanders off on its own and takes trips to the ocean without me so I figured my body had some catching up to do. With a snap of my fingers and a short ride through the canyon I found myself at my childhood playground, Zuma Beach. Without hesitation I laid my towel down upon the tiny grains and chips of rocks that the oceans might has turned into sand over the years. I took a moment to put my life on hold and gaze at what nature had to offer to me. I reflected upon all of the other places I could have been instead of standing with my toes curling in the warm sandy beach and smiled in appreciation of my situation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It was perfect weather out for a day at the beach. The clear sky didn’t have a single cloud to block the rays of the radiant sun. I could sense the feeling of ultra relaxation from the outstretched deep blue canopy above and the penetrating warmth that emanated from the sky and wrapped around my skin like a warm blanket on a cold winter’s night. Every once in a while a cool breeze would pass by and ease away the sun’s intense heat bath for brief moment. I could feel grains of sand gently brush over the top of my feet with each gust of wind. The crisp ocean wind flowed through my nasal cavity and stung the inside of my nose. My lungs quivered in surprise at how light and fresh the air was since it was not drudgingly thick with smog or other pollutants. As the salty smell of the water hit my nose, I thought about all the time I had spent waiting in anticipation to get that first refreshing whiff of ocean air that confirmed arrival and signaled t he beginning of another exceptional beach experience.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I closed my eyes for a second to take in what I could observe through my auditory senses. The laughter of children and families enjoying the summer day brought a smile to my face as they smoothed the walls of their sand fortresses and played football in the sand. I could hear the ball churn through the air as the laces spun rhythmically from the spiral that left one hand and landed with a quiet thud as it found its way to the intended receiver. The dampened sounds of feet digging into sand were all around me from other visitors coming to plot their spot of temporary beach front residence for the afternoon. I could... ...onger alone in the water. It was humbling to see that there was so much going on around me that I did not know about. Suddenly, the water parted and the nose of a dolphin appeared. He was moving with such speed his whole body came out of the water like a cannon and followed the shape of a perfect arc as it cut through the atmosphere. His skin glistened in mid-air and looked like a slippery mirror in the hot summer sun. Mist sprayed from his tail as he stretched out in the air, and he shook it in a friendly manner greeting all of us watching. Then with a splash he disappeared back under the water and departed just as quickly as he appeared.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Every time I go to the beach I always walk away with a memorable experience. I can still remember meeting my friends there every summer Thursday when I was a child. Nothing about this place has changed. I still eat sandwiches that crunch with every bite from tiny grains of sand that get captured between the meats. I can still lie out on my towel and have good conversation with buddies that float us away to the times when we couldn’t even drive. This is a place of escape. I can’t wait to see what adventures will come to me the next time.

Friday, October 11, 2019


Therefore, nanoparticles could be the key factor for the future technologies. Scientific as well as public associations are paying their attention for nanoparticles technology as a good investment source. Nanoparticles could be produced via physical, chemical or biological methods (Haider and Kang, 2015; Ebrahiminezhad et al., 2017). Both chemical and physical methods use reducing agents such as sodium borohydride, sodium citrate and alcohols (Rai and Duran, 2011). However, using of microorganisms in synthesis of nanoparticles represents another great achievement because of the economic and ease production (Shelar and Chavan, 2014; Patel et al., 2015). Research revealed that biological methods is an inexpensive and eco-friendly way for synthesis of nanoparticles. This method used biological agents including bacteria, fungi, yeast and plants (Mourato et al., 2011). Recently, emerging such microorganisms as eco-friendly nano-factories to manufacture inorganic nanoparticles was attractive (Lee et al., 2004; Lengke et al., 2007). Fungi were mentioned as excellent candidates for metal nanoparticle synthesis because they contain many of enzymes that induce the production (Sastry et al., 2003). It was assumed that the mechanism involved in nanoparticles production by fungi was due to cell wall sugars that could reduce the metal ions (Mukherjee et al., 2002) and because they have the high cell wall binding capacity, metal uptake and secrete more amounts of proteins lead to the higher productivity of nanoparticles (Vahabi et al., 2011). Fungi have some advantages over the other microorganisms regarding the synthesis of NPs, because fungal mycelia are able to resist pressure, high temperature and easy storage in the laboratory (Kiran et al., 2016). There are many of metals for biosynthesis (NPs) such as copper, zinc, iron, iron trichloride, lead carbonate, gold and silver (Siddiqi and Husen, 2016). In addition, silver NPs could be synthesized by fungi either intracellularly or extracellularly but the extracellular biosynthesis downstream process much easier and showed more activities against many pathogens (Ahmad et al., 2003).Among the active fungi that were reported to produce nanoparticles; Rhizopous oryzae produced nanoparticles intracellularly of gold (Das et al., 2012), Verticillium sp extracellularly peodcued gold and silver nanoparticles (Soni and Prakash, 2014) in the size range of 20–51 nm. However, F. oxysporum produced nanoparticles of silver of 5–15 nm and 8-14 nm in diameter extracellularly (Ahmad et al., 2003; Senapati et al., 2005). Many other fungi were approved for their productivity of nanoparticles of different metals either extracellularly or intracellularly including: Phoma sp. (Chen et al., 2003), the endophytic fungus Colletotrichum sp. (Shankar et al., 2003), Aspergillus fumigatus (Kuber and D'Souza, 2006) , Fusarium acuminatum (Ingle et al., 2008) , Trichoderma asperellum (Mukherjee et al., 2008), F. semitectum (Sawle et al., 2008), Phoma glomerate (Birla et al., 2009), F. solani (Ingle et al., 2009) , plant pathogenic fungi Aspergillus niger (Gade et al., 2008; Jaidev and Narasimha, 2010). Aspergillus flavus (Vigneshwaran et al., 2007; Jain et al., 2011) , Paecilomyces lilacinus (Devi and Joshi, 2012), endophytic fungus Pencillium sp. (Singh et al., 2013), Aspergillus foetidus (Roy and Das, 2014), Rhizopus stolonifer (AbdelRahim et al., 2017), Penicillium Oxalicum (Bhattacharjee et al., 2017) and Trichoderma atroviride (Saravanakumar and Wang, 2018). Many recent reports have shown that production of nanoparticles by fungi are could be affected by various condition of temperature, biomass weight, time and pH ( Balakumaran et al., 2016; Liang et al., 2017; Othman et al., 2017). Husseiny et al. (2015) reported that most important factors that were affecting the biosynthesis of AgNPs were the temperature, pH, time, the concentration of AgNO3 and amount biomass. Narayanan and Sakthivel (2010) approved that incubation at 27 0C for 72 h with 7 pH and 10 g of the fungal biomass and 1mM concentration of AgNPs were considered the optimum conditions for production of AgNPs from AgNO3 by fungi. Researches showed some variations in the characteristics of the biosynthesized AgNPs by different fungal species. These variations could be due to the source of fungal isolates or strains and types of medium (Devi and Joshi, 2012; Roy and Das, 2014). When Alam et al. (2017) compared the different types of media, they found Czapex dox broth was a good medium to produce enough mycelial biomass to synthesize AgNPs. This because this medium contains essential carbon and nitrogen source along with other vital macro and micronutrients such as magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium, iron and zinc which are vital for fungal growth.Nowadays, application of AgNPs confirmed their effectiveness in treatment of cancer, bone implant, anti-inflammatory and their biocidal activity against many bacteria and pathogens (Husseiny et al., 2015; Majeed et al., 2016). The antibacterial properties of AgNPs are due to the oxidation and liberation of Ag+ ions into the environment that makes it an ideal biocidal agent (Sivakumar et al., 2015). It is expected that the large surface area to volume ratio as well as high fraction of the surface atoms of the nanoparticles increase their antimicrobial activity as compared with bulk silver metal (Joy and Johnson, 2015). Moreover, the small size of the nanoparticles facilitates their penetration inside the cell. Additionally, excellent antibacterial properties exhibited by AgNPs are due to their well-developed surface which provides maximum contact with the environment (Mitiku and Yilma, 2017). Recent research approved the antibacterial activity of the silver nanoparticles against many bacteria especially those having the capability to cause severe disease for the human such as Salmonella enterica, Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus, Proteus mirabilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Staphylococci and Pseudomonas sp (Devi and Joshi, 2012; Shelar and Chavan, 2014; Muhsin and Hachim, 2016; Madakka et al., 2018; Saravanakumar and Wang, 2018). However, shape, dimension, and the exterior charge as well as the concentration of the AgNPs are important factors that affect the antimicrobial activity the nanoparticles against the tested bacteria (Madakka et al., 2018). Devi and Joshi (2012) approved the antibacterial activity of AgNPs comparing with erythromycin, methicillin, chloramphenicol and ciprofloxacin agents Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Salmonella enterica and Enterococcus faecalis. They showed that the diameter of inhibition zones obtained by the silver-nanoparticles, with 5-50 nm in diameter, were more than those obtained by the antibiotics. Shelar and Chavan, (2014) showed that Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus sp were inhibited by silver nanoparticles with diameter of 17-32 nm in very close pattern to the standard antibiotic streptomycin. Muhsin and Hachim (2016) reported the best concentration of silver nanoparticles with diameter 8-90 nm that showed strong antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhi and Staphylococcus aureus streptomycin was 100 Â µl/ ml. Based on the above-mentioned information, we assume that fungi as bio-factories for the biogenic synthesis of the silver nanoparticles are very interesting during eco-friendly and safe technology, also for future application as antimicrobial agents.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Supreme court

Write a speech from your characters point of view about why they don't like the New Deal and what they think should happen instead. We, the Supreme Court are strongly opposed to the legislations of the New Deal; we can declare that we will do everything in our power to stop President Roosevelt and his New Deal. As you may be aware, we have currently found two of President Roosevelt laws unconstitutional.The National Industrial Recovery Act and the Agricultural Adjustment act but unfortunately by doing this we have angered President Roosevelt who is now a great threat to us. He sees us as a group of angry old republicans who have denied democracy by throwing out the laws that he was elected to pass. Unfortunately, he has recently taken the matter so far as to ask congress to give him the power to appoint 6 more Supreme Judges who dare I say would have been more democratic and more sympathetic towards the New Deal.Thankfully, the American people caused an national outcry strongly again st Roosevelt plans as they saw him as attacking the American system of government, The rumors that we have heard also suggest that even many of his close friends were strongly opposed to what he suggested and we are known pleased to say that yes, Roosevelt has realized that Hal plan to pack the court with his own allies does make him indeed appear to be a dictator and yes, he has backed down.He obviously knew that Congress would never approve. We, the Judges of the Supreme Court have been shaken by Roosevelt actions and we will definitely be less obstructive In the future, and will definitely be more cautious in the way we Interpret our duties, so It does appear to us that Roosevelt efforts haven't all gone to waste. Although I hardly doubt he'll be trying that again with us any time soon.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Frankish-Muslim Relations during the Crusades Essay

Frankish-Muslim Relations during the Crusades - Essay Example Inter-Religious wars manifest in the nature of arguments between Muslims and Christians and their mode of reference to each other. For example, the Franks are enemies to the Muslims and at the same time their property owners. The essence of the crusade period is the inferior consideration that each member of the two distinct religions gave to each other. Apparently, the arguments about the episodes of the interactions between Muslims and Christians are judgmental because the two authors Ibn Jubayr and Ibn Manqidh were both Muslims. They majorly present the Christian Franks as the dominant group, inflicting suffering and misconduct against the Muslim community. It very rarely mentions the incidents where Muslims did injustice and unfairness. From the two accounts, the only exceptional case of Christian virtue demonstrated by the Frankish community was where a knight defended a Muslim Merchant from a crowd that was planning vengeance on him (Munqidh 38). This was after another knight w oman alleged that the Muslim had murdered her brother. 2. Research Questions The research is based on two major questions: 2.1. Question 1: How were the Muslims and the Frankish Community relating and how was their interaction? 2.2. Question 2: Was the Crusade Period a war or one community was dominating the other? 3. Discussion To answer the questions, the interaction between the two communities was full of interreligious isolation. The Christian Franks showed many discriminative alignments against the Muslims as is evident in the boundaries between the two religious groups. A good example is the â€Å"The Tree Measure†. Further discussion will reveal more details to validity the responses to the study questions. 3.1. Segregation or Interaction Interreligious separation as discussed by the two authors present the Franks and Muslims as two different communities, living in total separation. In fact, not even a meal can bring them together except where one party compromises his or her faith. In this regard, there were farms belonging to the Muslim Community, such as Tibnin. The rightful ownership the Farms were controlled by the Frankish community (the property owners). However, Ibn Jubayr acknowledges that in that settlement, the Muslims and Christian Franks were living peacefully. This is ironical since at the same time, he claims that Muslims had to surrender part of their harvests to the Franks as poll tax. The perpetrators of racial and religious injustices were majorly the Franks, who forced the Muslims to observe the conventional laws developed by their own government (the Franks). This robbed the Muslims of their freedom and rights. The Franks, as Ibn Jubayr claims, robbed the Muslim habitats and spared the Frankish side (Jubair 52). In Syria, there is a very clear example of religious discrimination and isolation, where the Frankish merchants grabbed mosques and turned them into Churches, much to the disappointment of the Muslims. They turned the areas previously used by Muslims for worshipping, into abomination by erecting Christian crosses, slaughtering pigs and defiling them with excrement. In all this, Ibn Jubayr claims that Muslims could only weep with their eyes full of tears of pain. 3.2. Points of Interaction The points of interaction between Muslims and Christians were the trading points such as Acre in Syria. This was the unloading point for ships. The Muslims and Christian Franks from all regions gathered in this place and interacted but of course, with

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Organizational change part 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Organizational change part 2 - Essay Example The change strategy should also consider future growth and development of the organization. A change strategy for organizations includes various elements that have to be carefully analyzed before the change process is implemented. These elements include situational awareness, the structures supporting the change, and strategy analysis (Weiner et al, 2009). Situational awareness involves understanding the implications of change on the organizations, knowing who will be affected by the impending change and gathering as much resources and knowledge about the change to be implemented. Supporting structures for organizational change include the team facilitating the change process and the sponsors of the change process. Strategy analysis involves identification of the risks involved in the change process, any resistance to the change and tactics for implementing the strategy. A good organizational change strategy must focus on all these three elements (Weiner et al, 2009). Internal change s in an organization encounter resistance from certain employees or senior managers who may not be so open to change. This may destabilize the whole change process if not managed properly. The team charged with the responsibility of managing the change need to stay vigilant throughout the whole process for any signs of disapproval for the change and address them as soon as they are discovered (Weiner et al, 2009). The change implementation team ought to be very responsive and responsible throughout the change process. This will enable them to intercede and deal with any threat to the change process before it paralyzes the whole process. In order to deal with resistance effectively, a change strategy needs to address several issues such as commitment, responsibility, advocacy, acknowledgement, flexibility and must have a clear outline. A clear outline in the change strategy addresses change policies and guidelines and the structure of the impending change. These have to be communicat ed to every employee in advance before the change is implemented (Weiner et al, 2009). Everyone affected by the change has to be committed to the process and they should be given time to speak out their opinions about the intended change so as to foster advocacy for the change. Every ones role in the change process also needs to be clarified in the change strategy so as to ensure every individual in the change team is responsible for their actions. Every successful step of the change process needs to be appreciated and acknowledged just to let everybody know that the organization is moving in the right direction with the change. The organization’s leaders need to use a more flexible approach in the change process so as to ensure any unforeseen contingencies are dealt with appropriately during the process. Methods that will be used to monitor implementation of the proposed change The change initiative to be implemented involves about of organizational restructuring hence need to be approached with care. This will require a new organizational structure, improvement and changes in the organizational culture and behavior. The process of hiring new nurses wiling the new nurses will require significant contribution from every staff member in the organization. The top management will be required to approve and implement the change while the other

Monday, October 7, 2019

Epidemiology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Epidemiology - Essay Example It is possible to have increased labour force participation by older workers. A slow growth in the labour force shall see health administration retain older workers by offering higher wages; flexible working schedules, increased training toward the older workers. This transition shall increase the dependence of technology in the health care field. Health administration shall invest heavily in research to come up with ways to deal with the economic implication presented by the post-industrial transition. Gaziano observes that the United States shall experience a new epidemiological transition. This new phase is because of a decline in physical activity among the population whereas their total caloric intake increases (Gaziano, 2008). The result is an epidemic of obesity that is already affecting the United States. This stage explains the expected rise in cases of type 2 diabetes, lipid abnormalities, and hypertension associated with obesity. The health administration faces this new challenge when their efforts are focused in reducing cases of degenerative and man-made diseases affecting the present society. Health administration shall invest in programs aimed at raising awareness on the importance of maintain healthy diet and being physically active. Health administration shall rely on school programs to ensure children understand the importance of physical activities. The federal government presently supports the health administration field by ensuring that the school diet promotes healthy living

Sunday, October 6, 2019

How Its Made Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How Its Made - Movie Review Example I do a lot of gardening and so I was curious about wood chippers. They were invented in Germany at the end of the 19th century. There are different types—the machines draw wood towards its shredding knives. Metal is carefully shaped to make wood chipper. Welding must be done. Knives must be sharpened. A computer ensures that the metal is properly balanced. This is especially required for such a potentially dangerous machine. A fan is also required. The hood is then attached and wheels too. The tires are masked with plastic while the machine is painted. This process seems very complicated, but I found it fascinating to observe. To be honest, my favourite part was the decal. Millions of people bowl. But how are bowling pins made. This is a question I have often wondered. It turns out that a governing authority decides how the pins are made. The measurements must be followed very carefully. The process that then unfolds is complicated as wood is glued together and then hollowed out and cut. The gluing is important as is the carving. The workers work hard to make sure everything is in place. Eventually it is painted and balanced. And then it is ready to go and be knocked down in a strike. This was by far the most boring of all the segments. I would hate my life if I worked in a bowling pin factory. Beef jerky starts from a lean cut of meat called beef rounds. The meat is cut into thin strips with just enough fat to give flavour. Then all the strips are loaded into a giant machine which looks a lot like a clothes dryer. Into the machine goes a lot of marinade. This is to provide seasoning to the meat. It looks like it consists of a great deal of salt. After marinating, the meat is put in a smoking booth to be smoked. The meat is cooked and smoked and then packaged with an expiration date. The packages are sealed to avoid having any oxygen in them. After watching this procedure I was filled with hunger. It was fascinating to learn that so much weight is

Saturday, October 5, 2019

UK Real Estate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

UK Real Estate - Essay Example These market-specific characteristics present reliable indicators regarding the UK economic status. The UK real estate sector forms part of the services sector. The main definition of service sector output pertains to the non-tangible, non-commodity aspects except agriculture, mining, construction and manufacturing. The services sector has four broad classification of services based on the national accounts: Distribution, hotels and catering (DHC); Transport and communications (T&C); Finance, real estate and business services (FRB); and government and other services (GOV) (Julius and Butler, 1998). The services sector has grown faster than the rest of the UK economy from 1970-97. For instance, the average yearly rates of growth for the service and manufacturing sectors were 2.6% and 0.7% respectively. Marketed services have registered yearly growth rates of 3% during the same period. Growth has been tremendous in financial services, business services, real estate activities, education and health services, and communications, particularly in computer software and cellular telephony (Gibson and Barkham, 1999). Boltho (2010) projected that the potential output growth averaged 2.9% a year over the last cycle that chalked up a faster growth compared to the previous cycle (2.4% a year; 1986-1997). The acceleration could be traced to exceptional factors: strong net inflows of migrants, a slight decline in the NAIRU (Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment), capital deepening and a trend towards high value-added sectors including financial services. The growth of the UK real estate property portfolio is also influenced by the level of technology on shopping trends, evolving consumer preferences, and the UK government intervention in project management and transportation. Real estate investment decisions respond to the current and future needs of the core business (Nourse and Roulac, 1993). A real estate company enters projects to generate a positive net present value for shareholders. This company will have the best opportunities for creating shareholder value within their portfolio of property assets. The opportunities come in the form of valuable development options, the exploitation of present market information and the utilisation of a well-developed property expertise. Amidst the need to attain net present value from property activities are some factors that may be deleterious to shareholder interests. These negative factors cover conflicts of interest between retail and property activity, negative reaction by external par ties such as shareholders, opinion formers, and analysts and an actual lack of genuine property investment expertise. The costs and benefit aspects of diversification into property activity explain the wide variation in property strategy and structure of this sector. The UK's economic cycle has been volatile compared to the other countries of the European Union, reflecting different economic policies, oil price rises and German unification. The UK economy exhibits different trade patterns, oil, company finance and the housing market. The UK government said a period of stability through low inflation and tight fiscal spending is essential so as to enable a sustainable and durable convergence with the rest of the European U